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What are Chrysalis Flights and Journeys?
Before it becomes a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a growth stage during which it is called a “chrysalis.” On the surface it may not look like much is happening, but the delicate chrysalis process changes the fuzzy caterpillar into an awesome butterfly with wings of intricate designs and intense colors. The chrysalis process symbolizes how Christ can transform you into something beyond your dreams. It happens when you grow beyond yourself, opening your life to Jesus’ power and love. “Chrysalis” is the name chosen for the youth and young adult version of The Walk to Emmaus because it symbolizes the spiritual growth that is essential between adolescence and adulthood. Chrysalis lifts up a way for you to enjoy Christ’s friendship and love and to be Christ’s friend and partner in the world. The three days focus on God’s grace, your experience with Christ as friend, what it means to be the body of Christ, and giving love to a needy world. Chrysalis “Flights” are for 10th through 12th graders and “Journeys” are for young adults aged 19-24.
How Can I Participate?
To get involved in Chrysalis, each person must have a sponsor who has already attended Chrysalis or Emmaus him- or herself. If you have a friend who has been on Chrysalis/Emmaus, ask your friend to tell you about his or her experience with the program. If you don’t know anyone who has been to Chrysalis/Emmaus, contact the respective registrar to help you consider attending Emmaus and finding a sponsor. Learn more about Chrysalis here.

Journey Flight
Girls Journey Flight will be February 13-16, 2014 and the Boys Journey Flight will be February 20-23, 2014. Flights are held at Tattnall Campground in Claxton, Georgia. For more information on how to register a catepillar or a willing servant application contact Amy Murray.
We need College Aged Youth to attend, please consider sponsoring someone. The Butterfly (Pilgrim) Applications can be found here:
Please complete and return a willing servant application, and pass along the information attached to anyone you know who would like to attend or serve this enriching event.
Please complete applications and send to:
Beth T. Akins, Walk to Emmaus Registrar
Email: bethtakins@hotmail.com (Remember the ‘t’ after beth!) or dayspringregistrar@gmail.com
Phone: 912-682-3340
Mail to: Dayspring Walk to Emmaus
P.O. 1312
Statesboro, GA 30459
Please note that all application fees are now $100.
Beth T. Akins, Walk to Emmaus Registrar
Email: bethtakins@hotmail.com (Remember the ‘t’ after beth!) or dayspringregistrar@gmail.com
Phone: 912-682-3340
Mail to: Dayspring Walk to Emmaus
P.O. 1312
Statesboro, GA 30459
Please note that all application fees are now $100.
Find Emmaus
Please use the Walk to Emmaus Upper Room Search Tool to find an Emmaus near you. Click here to access the site.